Hi All,
For the past 26 weeks of Mondays, Project GREEN volunteers have been at the mercy of wind, rain, no rain, hot or cold temperatures, air quality, and more. There were more beautiful mornings than not, or at least that’s the way I remember it. Our brunch together Monday, November 4, beginning at 9 a.m. was perfect weather (inside my house!). There were 12 volunteers in attendance: Pat Yeggy, Monica Hoherz, Rina Sjolund, Kate Ebinger, Chris Ostrander, Lisa Haverkamp, Sue Terveer-Mullins, Mary Lowder, Cindy Parsons, Evelyn Frey, Larry Allen, and moi. Our brunch ended at 11:30 a.m. Larry and I finished returning our house back to normal by 1:30 p.m. with our last chore turning on the dishwasher. Easy-sneezy and LOTS of fun talking about 2024 PGG! I think everyone left with their party favor, but let me know if you didn’t.
I was able to locate 5 Russian sage plants: 2 blue jean baby and 3 denim and lace. Monica Hoherz planted the perennial shrubs Monday afternoon at the PGG west oval #3 taking 1 1/2 hours. They will be a wonderful addition to the newly cleared of weeds and beautifully mulched bed, located next to the hiking/biking trail.
I’ve often thought excellent gardeners are also excellent cooks/bakers. We had an abundance of yummy food (excellent gardeners = excellent cooks/bakers) needing two different plates for all. I am attaching recipes sent by a few of the Project GREEN volunteers.
Here are the numbers after 27 weeks together.
Weeks 1 – 26 + Week 27 = 1031 1/2 hours + 31 1/2 hours
= 1063 hours for 2024 Project GREEN volunteers!
Many thanks to all. It’s been a fantastic year.

It’s been an honor and a privilege to be part of the 2024 Project GREEN volunteers. I look back at our weekly summaries and we’ve accomplished a lot together this year! It’s time to relax and remember. If you want to see the 2024 blogs again, check out www.projectgreen.org. Thanks to Beth Cody for keeping our 2024 season up-to-date and available to anyone wanting information about the 2024 Project GREEN Gardens.
Anyone wanting specific plants for the 2025 PGG, please send your information to me by November 15. Remember to give me the number of plants needed along with the name of the plant. Use the following catalogs for ideas. Annual and perennial plants are acceptable. Also let me know which flowerbed the order will be located. Choices? Evelyn’s Corner, Dashes 1 – 7, Catalpa Bed, sides of Arch, memorial bed, Shady Grove, West Oval 3, Susan Ahrens bed, Cindy Parsons bed. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some. Cindy and I will pick plants for the Triangle, Quilt, Mary’s Tree, and Circle. Pat Yeggy will be making labels again in 2025.
Expect to hear from me sometime in December for information about growing plants using the gallon jugs we’ve saved in the Ashton House garage. Sue Terveer-Mullins is in charge of this activity. You can read all about it in our 2024 Project GREEN newsletter. Look for the newsletter in your mailbox soon or on the Project GREEN website. Happy Gardening! Diane