Hi All,
Thanks to an ice-storm Thursday morning, Project GREEN volunteers needed to change their “Seed Sowing” party to Friday, February 7. Despite the late notice there were 13 volunteers in attendance for our first work session of 2025! Volunteers came to the Ashton House by 9:30 a.m. and left by 11:30. Two volunteers were at the Ashton House by 8 a.m. to get things in order for our assembly line seed sowing.
All went well and there are now 49 milk jugs filled with planted seeds to germinate and prosper around the Project GREEN Gardens this spring, summer, fall. Volunteers were asked to watch a video showing the steps to success for sowing seeds. It seemed everyone was an expert before our work session began and kudos to all who watched the video not just once, but twice! Here’s the video for anyone needing good educational, entertainment:
Volunteers in attendance: Sue Mullins, Diane Allen, Marilyn Gaffey, Cecile Kuenzli, Pam Ehrhadt, Mary Laughlin, Joel Wells, Cindy Parsons, Monica Hoherz, Lisa Haverkamp, Hetty Hall, Vivienne Benson, and Larry Allen.
They following show Project GREEN volunteers’ first pictures for our 2025 album revealing our seed sowing actions. Enjoy! Thanks to Linda Schreiber for sharing her pictures.
The assembly line teams:

Our team and 49 gallon jugs of promised beauty:

Here are the hour numbers after our February seed sowing party. All 13 volunteers from 9:30 to 11:30 + 2 volunteers with 1 1/2 hours each = 26 hours + 3 hours
= 29 hours for Project GREEN 2025 volunteers!
Congratulations! Many thanks to Sue Mullins for the inspiration to sow seeds, her excellent organizational skills + a lifetime of gardening. The party was LOTS of fun thanks to you.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! Fingers crossed our seed sowing will be a success and we can do this again, next year! Hope to see lots of you at Sunday’s Second Sunday Garden Forum.
Until then, happy gardening! Diane