Week 7, Project GREEN Gardens (PGG), June 17, 2024

Hi All,

It was a nice morning when we began our work together at the PGG, Monday at 9 a.m. The temperature was 81 degrees and ready to climb. There was nothing to report in our rain gauge since last week.

Thirteen volunteers signed in on our weekly sheet. Those in attendance were: Sue Ahrens (4 hours in two days), Cindy Parsons (2 1/2 hours), Jim Peters (1/2 hour), Linda Bergquist (2 1/2 hour), Evelyn Frey (3 1/2 hours), Rina Sjolund (1 1/2 hours), Dhyana Kaufman (6 1/2 hours in two days), Sue Terveer-Mullins (3 1/2 hours), Monica Hoherz (2 1/2 hours), Mary McCarthy (1 1/2 hour), Hetty Hall, and moi (3 hours). Volunteers have been busy, often donating extra time at the Gardens. First of all, anyone wanting to start our two hour work session at 8 a.m., please do! Just record your times or shoot me an email. Secondly, it’s starting to look a lot like last summer with hot temperatures and little to no rain. This means extra watering will be necessary to keep our plants alive. I believe it’s possible to water all our planted beds in six hours. With two hoses working and two volunteers watering we can get the job done at least one extra time/week in three hours. Are there any volunteers who could help with this chore? Think about it. Also while you’re at it, do a rain dance…

We had a special guest joining our team Monday morning! Juli Seydell Johnson surprised our group as we were discussing our activities for the morning. Juli thanked our Project GREEN volunteers for their dedication, improvements, and enthusiasm to the PGG. Juli also thanked Project GREEN for the party invitation, but explained she would be unable to attend. Everyone was happy to meet Juli, our Iowa City Director of Parks and Recreation.

We had a busy list of goals for our time together today. Our main goal was to ready the Gardens for Saturday’s Party in the Park event. Lots of leaves and sticks were raked and put on tarps for Steve Erickson and crew to move to the landfill. Weeds were pulled and it was time to remove daffodil leaves. One volunteer brought a sprinkler to set up before leaving and returned later to turn off water and wind up the hoses. Two volunteers placed signs around the 8+ acre park that told about Saturday’s party. The signs also reminded visitors the flowerbeds were planted and maintained by Project GREEN. One volunteer has made it her 2024 goal to make labels for plants and shrubs in beds. Many labels will be in place for the Party in the Park. Another volunteer made up 8 gallons of Miracle Grow water to care for six thirsty planters and 2 red wagons. Of course, watering continued with two hoses making sure all the plants will get a big drink of water. The Little Free Library was filled with books. This was a mighty list of to-do-s! Well done volunteers!

Our Project GREEN volunteers were reminded to bring two dozen cookies to the lower level of the Ashton House beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday morning. Please include the name of your cookies and any ingredients explaining diet/health concerns (nuts, gluten, etc). Karen Chappell is in charge of cookies. She asks anyone bringing cookies to place them in a container/bag that is disposable. Any volunteer who can help with set-up is welcome to join the team at 10 a.m. Tables need to be moved to the patio and other locations. Chairs will need to be put in place for listening to the jazz band. A couple of tarps need to be placed over the lemonade – cookie area & the band. Would anyone like to give tours of the Garden? Please let Sue Mullins or me know. Tours are planned every 1/2 hour, beginning at 2 p.m. The last tour will begin at 3:30. There are decorations to place around the park. Laura Hawks will set up at the pergola with easels and a few chairs. Her goal is to let interested guests know of the plans for 2023’s REAP Grant awarded to Project GREEN + Iowa City. Of course, we will need volunteers to help with clean-up. It will be a fun two hours to meet neighbors, walkers/bicyclers/visitors, and special guests of the Project GREEN Gardens. Please take lots of pictures! It would be fun to organize a photo album of the glorious afternoon party.

Thursday, June 20 is Project GREEN’s steering committee meeting. We will meet at 11:30 a.m. in the Ashton House lower level. All are welcome!

Tonight is the free showing of “Common Ground” at the Iowa City Public Library. The movie begins at 7:00 with a short discussion afterwards.

Here are the numbers after seven weeks of gardening at the Project GREEN Gardens. Weeks 1 – 6 + Week 7 = 282 hours + 33.5 hours = 315 1/2 hours for 2024 Project GREEN volunteers!

Please remember to keep track of any extra time spent doing Project GREEN chores. I will have a sign up sheet at the steering committee meeting and Saturday’s party set-up and clean-up. Whew!

How about a couple pictures?

Wishing everyone a wonderful week and happy summer solstice on Thursday! Diane

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