Hi All, It was mulching day at the Gardens when we met Monday morning at 9 a.m. Project GREEN’s project manager, Ed Rinderspacher, spent Friday July 5th mulching a long list of locations. They included: the master gardener/project GREEN native prairie bed, Dashes 3/6/7 , West Oval 3’s north end,Continue Reading

Hi All, What a beautiful morning it was when 14 volunteers met July 1, 9 a.m. at the Project GREEN Gardens!  The temperature was 63 degrees and in one week our rain gauge showed 2 inches of rain.  Those in attendance were: Nick Goergen, Monica Hoherz, Rina Sjolund, Mary LaughlinContinue Reading

Hi All, It was a nice morning when we began our work together at the PGG, Monday at 9 a.m. The temperature was 81 degrees and ready to climb. There was nothing to report in our rain gauge since last week. Thirteen volunteers signed in on our weekly sheet. ThoseContinue Reading

Hi All, Our last reckoning giving us a total for Week 5 ended Tuesday, June 4 with Sue Ahrens replanting the bed north of the garage. By the way, it looks marvelous! Work continued at the Gardens beginning June 5, Wednesday when 7 volunteers met at 9 a.m. to finishContinue Reading

Hi All, What a crazy week for Project GREEN volunteers!  Our normal Monday meeting date was cancelled with Tuesday rain forecast as well.  By early Monday afternoon our Week #3 meeting time was changed to Thursday, May 23.  It turned out to be a good plan!  Then our weather interferedContinue Reading

Hi All, Project GREEN volunteers’ first work session for 2024 is planned May 6 from 9 – 11 a.m.  The address is 820 Park Road and there are 26 parking places waiting for us to use.  If more parking is needed we can park along Normandy Drive.  Our work sessionsContinue Reading