Business Sponsorship of the Open Gardens Weekend

Project GREEN would like to invite your local Iowa City or Coralville business to join us in sponsoring our premier event:

The Project GREEN Open Gardens Weekend

The event, which is held each year in July, features numerous residential gardens, open to visitors free of charge. Your sponsorship will allow us to offer touring these gardens for free, which will make it a popular annual event.

Nearly 2,000 garden maps are picked up by the public each year. We’d love to add the name of your business to this year’s map!

The inaugural Open Gardens Weekend has been a successful event:

  • Nearly 2,000 garden maps are picked up by the public
  • 20-30 gardens are open for free to the public
  • An estimated 4,000+ garden-visitor encounters occur over the weekend!

We hope, based on events like Buffalo, New York’s annual Garden Walk that attracts 70,000 visitors annually to visit 400 gardens, that the Open Gardens Weekend, advertised state-wide, will grow to become a prominent annual cultural event attracting thousands of local garden enthusiasts, as well as out-of-town visitors.

As a sponsor of this highly anticipated local event, your business will benefit from your association with the enjoyable event itself, as well as with Project GREEN’s mission of beautifying our community’s public areas and schools. Project GREEN has contributed over $2.2 million to make Iowa City more beautiful during its nearly 60-year history.

Local businesses that seek customers among local residents will receive attention from hundreds of interested participants.

The Open Gardens Map:

Gardens visitors need to pick up free Open Gardens Maps to find the addresses of the gardens that are open for the event.

**Open Gardens Maps are available to garden visitors before the event only at sponsor retail locations.**

The maps drive traffic to sponsor retail locations, which will be identified on event flyers and the Project GREEN website, before and during the event.

Garden visitors spend a significant part of the weekend holding the maps in their hands.

We hope you will join us and be part of the Open Gardens Weekend. Please contact us to find out more about how your business can join Project GREEN to make the Iowa City area an even nicer place to live and work!