Hi All, Thanks to an ice-storm Thursday morning, Project GREEN volunteers needed to change their “Seed Sowing” party to Friday, February 7. Despite the late notice there were 13 volunteers in attendance for our first work session of 2025! Volunteers came to the Ashton House by 9:30 a.m. and leftContinue Reading

Hi All, It is finished.  The PGG have been put to sleep after 26 weeks of care from gifted & dedicated Project GREEN volunteers.  Many thanks to the 16 gardeners in attendance:  Larry Allen (forgotten 1 hour October 21, oops!), Linda Bergquist, Monica Hoherz, Rina Sjolund, Susan Ahrens, Hetty Hall,Continue Reading

Hi All, There were 9 A+ gardeners who volunteered at the PGG on Monday, October 21 from 9 – 11 a.m.  Those in attendance were:  Rina Sjolund, Lisa Haverkamp, Evelyn Frey, Monica Hoherz, Mary Laughlin, Linda Bergquist, Hetty Hall, Erin Buscher, and moi.  At 9 a.m. the temperature was 54Continue Reading

Hello All, Don’t forget to take a look through a window or stroll outdoors these days!  Despite our very dry conditions, fall 2024 is turning into an autumn to remember.  Pull into the parking lot at 820 Park Road, park in one of the 26 parking spaces, and stroll theContinue Reading

Hi All, Oh my, the colored leaves are flying by outside my window this morning.  My weather app shows 54 degrees and 14 mph winds, this I can believe!  I’m afraid tomorrow morning (Monday, October 14th) could be challenging.  Now where are my wool socks? I clicked on a ProvenContinue Reading

Hi All, We have turned another corner at the PGG.  We have cooler temperatures, little to no rain, & the sun is rising later and setting earlier.  What could this possibly mean?? Project GREEN volunteers met for week 20 with our 9 a.m. temperature of 70 degrees and air qualityContinue Reading