Hi All,
Our Monday work session began early for many volunteers. With very hot temperatures expected there was lots of activity around AHPGG long before 9 a.m. 15 volunteers were in attendance August 21. Many thanks for braving the heat. We did our best to stay in the shade and enjoyed light breezes for the two hours. As always it’s wonderful to see our gardening friends and catch up with each other’s news. Our volunteers were: Linda Schreiber, Dhyana Kaufman, Susan Ahrens, Rina Sjolund, Lisa Haverkamp, Jim Peters, Monica Hoherz, Hetty Hall, Erin Buscher, Linda Bergquist, Evelyn Frey, Chris Ostrander, Jo Pattschull, Bill Blair, and moi. One volunteer stayed an extra 2 hours. Another volunteer returned in the afternoon to turn off sprinklers and put away hoses. Ed Rinderspacher dropped by to discuss future plans for the AHPGG. We were able to get lots accomplished and leave large piles of debris for Parks and Recreation staff to remove to the landfill.

Here are our numbers after working at the AHPGG for seventeen weeks: Weeks 1 – 16 + Week 17 – 644 1/2 hours + 33 hours = 677 1/2 hours for 2023 Project GREEN volunteers! Is it possible we can reach 700 hours by the end of August??? Many thanks for watering, weeding and watering, weeding some more. Have I mentioned Project GREEN volunteers are the BEST???
We will meet on Monday, August 28 from 9 – 11 a.m. Until then, happy gardening. Diane