Hi All,
As I’m typing this message there is an 88% chance of rain showing on my home weather station. Fingers crossed, but we’ll see… It’s good to have hope.
Our nineteenth week together was a good one. Our work session was officially Tuesday, September 5 as Monday was a federal holiday, Labor Day. Two volunteers chose to work on Monday at the AHPGG and five others worked Tuesday. Those in attendance were: Monica Hoherz, Dhyana Kaufman, Pat Yeggy, Jim Peters, Hetty Hall, Mary Laughlin, and moi. Two volunteers stayed longer, an extra total 4 hours. Our time together was spent watering (pulling hoses), weeding, and deadheading. Tyler Baird (Superintendent of Parks and Forestry) and Linda Schreiber dropped by to look over AHPGG perpendicular west oval for future improvements. When complete we’ll call this Linda’s Oval, although many Project GREEN volunteers have worked tirelessly in this bed including Linda. Thanks Linda!
Here are a couple pictures telling of conditions at the AHPGG these days.

Ron and Susan Haffner have donated iris (once again!) to be planted at the AHPGG. They will be planted at Evelyn Corner, the southwest corner of the parking lot. The iris are separated by color: white (double bloomer), apricot, and peach. Evelyn is in charge of this space and we will all look forward to seeing how the iris were planted.
Beth Cody is donating 30 boxwood from her gardens to the AHPGG. Our goal is to find homes for these shrubs. Evelyn has plans to use 9 boxwood along the wooden fence in her corner. Sue Terveer-Mullins has a plan to use some (maybe lots) at the entrance from 820 Park Road. It’s possible west oval 3 could use boxwood along its far western side. Lots to think about!

Look familiar? The pillar at the parking lot entrance is located amongst a mass of beautiful blue-berried juniper. It was pointed out to me the bottom part of “Ashton, 820 Park Road, Project GREEN Gardens” was eclipsed by the juniper. One volunteer spent time trimming the branches with a donated lopper found in the AH garage and now the sign can be seen in full. A volunteer removed the flowering annuals from the top of the pillar as the daily harsh afternoon sunlight took its toll.
Our good news of the week is about the Project GREEN website. Please check out www.projectgreen.org. Beth Cody has devoted time and energy to improving the website and is now including our weekly summary at the AHPGG! Many thanks to Beth! If anyone has an idea for Project GREEN’s website let me know and I will pass it along to her.
Here are the numbers after volunteering at the Gardens for nineteen weeks. Weeks 1 – 18 + Week 19 = 716 1/2 hours + 18 hours = 734 1/2 hours
total for 2023 Project GREEN volunteers! Project GREEN volunteers make the world a better place. SMILE!

Our next work session will be Monday, September 11 from 9 – 11. Why don’t we begin our time together sharing where we were September 11, 2011? Until then, happy gardening. Diane