Hi All,
Things are progressing at the PGG! Despite heat, high winds, lots of rain, delayed volunteer days, exhaustion, sore muscles, and anxious worries Project GREEN volunteers have given their all to keep plants alive. So far, so good. Read on for details…
Week 4’s work session was May 28, which was a Tuesday. Nine volunteers stayed three hours each unless marked differently. Those in attendance were: Larry Allen (1 hour), Hetty Hall, Nick Goergen, Linda Bergquist (2 1/2 hours), Monica Hoherz, Rina Sjolund, Chris Ostrander, Cindy Parsons, and moi (4 hours). We had a long list of goals to accomplish. Larry drilled holes in a second little red wagon for drainage. Yes, we now have two little red wagons filled with beautiful flowers. The wagons are Project GREEN’s welcome to the Summer Camp children who will begin their weekly sessions soon. Volunteers planted the berm where Mary Gantz’s memorial tree is located with pink lantana. There are daffodil remains in this berm, but the flowers have been deadheaded and their leaves will be cut down soon. The Circle was planted with blue and white annual salvia. Iris and peonies were deadheaded. Of course, we weeded, again!
Extra Week 4 included: Mary Laughlin purchased and planted extra coleus and Cindy Parsons purchased marigolds, zinnias, red salvia for the Triangle and Deer Away for Evelyn’s Corner. Mary and Cindy were each given 1 1/2 hours for extra Week 4 PGG work. Thursday, May 30, 1 – 4:30 p.m. Cindy and Diane watered all new plantings our hoses would reach and planted extra marigolds, red salvia, and zinnias. Friday, Cindy spent 4 hours watering all the plants with a longer hose. Sunday, June 2, 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., Rina and Diane planted six containers located in front of the Ashton House entrance.
Sue Mullins was not listed for Week 3 volunteering. Three hours will be added to our 2024 total. Thanks Sue!
Enjoy the pictures of our six beautiful containers.

Here are the numbers after Week 4. Weeks 1 – 3 + Week 4 + extra Week 4 = 142 1/2 hours + 25 1/2 hours + 24 hours = 192 hours for Project GREEN volunteers! Congratulations to all our extra-ordinary Project GREEN gardeners!
Week 5, Monday, June 3 from 9 – 11 a.m. Twelve volunteers were in attendance. They were: Jim Peters, Mary Laughlin (1 1/2 hour), Rina Sjolund, Monica Hoherz (3 hours), Hetty Hall (3 hours), Dhyana Kaufman (4 hours total for weeks 4 & 5), Cindy Parsons, Chris Ostrander (3 hours), Susan Ahrens, Evelyn Frey, Linda Bergquist, and moi. Volunteers who remained longer than the usual 2 hours are noted after their name. This group of gifted gardeners spent their time planting extra flowers, deadheading iris and peonies, clearing sticks and branches, clearing weeds, planting beds around the Ashton House preparing for the June 22, “Party in the Park!”, and planting fountain grasses. Truly, the Gardens looked much better after volunteers accomplished these goals and more.
Extra Week 5 work Susan Ahrens spent two hours pretty-ing up the bed located on the north side of the garage.
Enjoy a couple more pictures!

Here are the numbers after Week 5 and Week 5 extras. Weeks 1 – 4 + Week 5 = 192 hours + 30 1/2 hours = 222 1/2 hours for Project GREEN volunteers! Many thanks to all!!
Would any volunteers be available tomorrow morning, Wednesday, June 5, 9 a.m. to plant our remaining annual plants? They are all root bound and desperately needing to be in the ground! It shouldn’t take more than a couple hours to get this done. Anyone able to attend please let me know. Thanks!
Wishing everyone a good week. If you have a chance, stop by the Gardens and see what 222 1/2 hours of gardening can do. Diane