Hi All, The last steps of Operation Boxwood were completed Monday, October 2 by 11 a.m.!  There were 15 Project GREEN volunteers for our 23rd week at the AHPGG.  So much was accomplished in our two hours together.   Thankfully I have pictures to prove our efforts. Those in attendanceContinue Reading

Hi All, There were 16 Project GREEN volunteers working at the AHPGG during week 22.  Those in attendance were:  Chris Ostrander, Pat Yeggy, Sue Mullins, Mary Laughlin, Jo Pattschull, Susan Ahrens, Dhyana Kaufman (extra 1 hour), Mary McCarthy, Monica Hoherz, Rina Sjolund, Larry Allen, Vivienne Benson (new Project GREEN volunteer,Continue Reading

Hi All, As I’m typing this message there is an 88% chance of rain showing on my home weather station.  Fingers crossed, but we’ll see…  It’s good to have hope. Our nineteenth week together was a good one. Our work session was officially Tuesday, September 5 as Monday was aContinue Reading

Hi All, We had sixteen volunteers working at the AHPGG on Monday, August 28 our eighteenth work session since the beginning of May.  Those in attendance were: Dhyana Kaufman, Jim Peters, Rina Sjolund, Mary Laughlin, Susan Ahrens, Lisa Haverkamp, Monica Hoherz, Pat Yeggy, Sue Mullins, Erin Buscher, Mary McCarthy, LynneContinue Reading

Hi All, Our Monday work session began early for many volunteers.  With very hot temperatures expected there was lots of activity around AHPGG long before 9 a.m.  15 volunteers were in attendance August 21.  Many thanks for braving the heat.  We did our best to stay in the shade andContinue Reading